lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Specific case of children with special education

Good Afternoon Friends!

Today I would like to tell you a specific case, it is about Tony Murray.

Tony Murray is the head of a primary school where the 30% of the children have special educational needs. He says that we try to avoid labelling children, because one you have labelled a child they carry it with them. We need to be very careful. Some special educational needs are "quite a grey area"

Some needs are obvious, but others are "very subtle", sometimes it can be emotional things hiding other difficulties ( you might see a lack of confidence or a child who is afraid of taking risks) but sometimes those problems can mask other problems.

The school provides, from it is own budget, a teaching assistant to support two children with Downs' Syndrome, which means less help for other children.

While Mr Murray fully supports the policy of traying to include, where possible, children with severe SEN in mainstream schools.

Our other children get the chance to live alongside children with disabilities, but the downside is it can be a drain on resources.

Like this case, there are more. Hope that you like and understand this topic.

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