jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Good Morning Friends:

Today, I want to show you a project that integrate the technologies to children with special education needs.

The name of the project is: Special Educational Needs ( SEN) Learning Project

Sen project (learning project) focuses in children with learning disabilities, and it does not matter the cause or origin. The project involves children as primary beneficiaries because they have a special education needs, so they need pedagogical help to achieve their goals. So what determines the children to present needs is not deficiency, but the conditions that affect their personal development.

The Learning Project is not related with the basic elements of curriculum for a particular stage, but it aims to respond to the needs in terms of deficiencies that may present our students, curriculum levels that have competence and the degree of autonomy that may arise.

We know that students can be schooled in kindergarten, primary or secondary. It not exists a specific curriculum for special educational needs. The contents that we develop are recollected in kindergarten. primary and secondary real decree with the appropriate adjustments. Depend of the characteristics, we will develop one or other activities.
Learning Project Objectives
  • General Objectives: Secure and develop the physical,cognitives and communications students skills with education needs to promote the personal autonomy and social integration through the new technologies of information and communication.
  • Specific Objectives: Establish activities related with personal autonomy, solve problems of the daily life and take decisions. Make that all students meet each other, accept the personality, awareness of hygiene habits and have a positive attitude related with health. Learn to live in society through to the knowledge of collaboration and participation rules. Develop comprehension, knowledge, linguistics skills, memory, logical reasoning and solve the problems of daily life.
Source: http://www.oei.es/noticias/spip.php?article4127

Hope that you like and know a bit more now.


From my point of view, this project is amazing. Thanks to it these students can learn better and have the same opportunities that the rest of their classmates. I think that new technologies makes funnier the learning process.

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