jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Spanish practical case

The teacher having a student with a disability within their class has a double challenge: on the one hand, to adapt the methodology to new tools and, secondly, that this methodology was sufficiently flexible as so that it can be followed by all students in the class.

In this sense, we talk about a subject: accessibility. Now the teacher has two options when it comes to locate digital resources: either use different platforms organised from the Ministry of education, the autonomous communities, publishers or private entities, or develop their own resources with authoring tools. In the first case, the resources that exist in educational platforms have a low level of accessibility.In the second case, and in general, in the development of their our resources  missing knowleged to make them accessible. The teacher who has in his classroom a student with a disability should have some basic understanding of accessibility, both to find resources on the Internet, and to be able to adapt or develop their own resources.
Tools to support educational digital resources.In this point, it is going to describe with more details the different tools of support that have been mentioned.

-Reviewers screen:
     Are a type of software that permit the student with serious visual deficiency or with blindness  to access to the different functions of the compute facilitating its handling. This imply two functions important: on the one hand, the user can detect the elements that are always shown in the screen, and on the other hand, the user interacting with the applications, filling edit boxes, selecting elements of list, reading text boxes or other actions. This interaction should obviously be performed using the keyboard, as a blind person can not use the mouse.

Nowadays exists different reviewers screen, some of them of free disposition and others    of payments.

 It also allows us to interact with applications via the keyboard. That is, we can activate elements, or move from one to another using the cursor keys, for example. Generally, it gives us a set of quick combinations to perform common actions keys, resulting in greater efficiency in the use of the computer by a blind user.

-Line braille
 It consists of a desktop in a line of integrated cells shown, each, for eight movable rods that simulate Braille dots.Según modelos, el número de celdillas puede variar, siendo las más usadas las de 40 u 80 caracteres. Un software de comunicación hace posible su coordinación con la aplicación en curso en el ordenador.

Thanks to the communication software, different configurations are possible, select between character letters, forms scanning of the screen, etc. The Braille display has a major limitation: they can only offer a maximum a line screen.

There are situations that make it essential reading directly from information provided by a computer. There is no mediation or a prerecorded speech provided by speech synthesis (as in the case of screen readers) and the braille can be solved. Consider, for example, in: software for teaching literacy, even for the mother tongue; mathematical expressions, and since the introduction of the figures; terms or phrases in a foreign language, writing musical phrases, formulation chemistry and physics, classical languages, etc.

-Braille -Printers:
The braille printers are machines that print on paper and the raised dots of information that comes ordenador.Hay printer models now that can work two ─interpunto─ faces or a single face.

These printers print by size of paper, up to 42 characters per line, which helps to understand the large volume occupied by, for example, a book in braille when you consider that the letters and interline spaces can not be reduced and that must always be the same size. There are personal printers, for editing own materials and other high production.

-Digitizing tablet:

It is a  plastic magnetic plate on which, using a magnetic pen, which acts as a mouse, you can draw, write or surf. It connects to your computer either via USB or via Bluetooth. Once calibrated the magnetic iron tablet, this is a reflection of all areas of your computer screen. That is, it becomes a kind of touch screen, but not the graphic image of the computer screen.

If we make an adjustment in relief of the screen and place it on the tablet, we can act on this, activating the magnetic pen sensitive areas, the links or the command buttons, as if we used the mouse on the screen .

This tablet is very useful for totally blind students, as it allows, through adjustments in relief necessary, work with applications that would otherwise not be possible, since they require the student to use the touch: classify geometric figures by size or form, attach the names of the autonomous communities to their corresponding location on the map of Spain, etc.

-Touch screen:
  The touch screen is a monitor connected to the computer that has the distinction of being able to work directly by tapping fingers on the screen itself. You can make finger functions click, right click, drag, activate links ... With one finger on the screen can perform the same functions with the mouse.

-Interactive digital -Screen:
 It is another type of screen on which you can work with your finger or with a magnetic pen, making these mouse. They are of different sizes, the most common being those of 15, 17 or 19 inches. The screen is flat and with possibilities of greater or lesser inclination glass, allowing the visually impaired student suit your lighting needs. By acting as a computer screen, this can be configured according to the needs of students with visual impairment.

This screen must be connected to a source image, either directly to a computer or to a projector barrel. It has two connections: one to the output of your computer screen and another for data transmission to the USB port.

It includes ─as well as specific software that allows pizarras─  and takes greater advantage of the same functions. Among them we can highlight the possibility of recording and vídeo─ ─audio everything executed on them. This allows the student to repeat the class when needed.

This type of display allows students to not only continue the class from their place of study, but also work from your screen and that their work is reflected in the screen of the class.

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